covid test at home

With Covid-19 cases spiking and government officials urging people to stay home, what should you do if you contract the virus? How can you get tested for the virus if you are trying to stay at home as much as possible?

Fortunately, there are ways you can get tested at home for Covid, so you do not have to go to the hospital or clinic to find out your results. And while you can order kits to test yourself at home, we do not recommend that course of action because it is difficult to ensure that you perform the test accurately.

Rather, we recommend having medical professionals come to your house and perform the test in the comfort of your home. In fact, this is easy to set up and the safest and most accurate option for Covid testing.

How to Get Tested for Covid-19 at Home:

Kinkaid Private Care provides at-home Covid-19 testing for patients throughout the Los Angeles metro area. If you live in the LA area and need a Covid test, receiving an at-home test is simple. Moreover, we can schedule same-day or next-day Covid testing appointments. Here’s how it works:

  • First, one of our highly trained and experienced nurses comes to your home to perform the nasal PCR Covid test. The test only takes a few seconds and is painless.
  • Then, we send your test to a reputable lab in the Los Angeles area for processing. You will usually see your results within 24 hours.
  • Finally, we go over your test with you and discuss next steps if the result is positive.

Receiving At-Home Covid-19 Care:

If you receive a positive Covid test, we provide you with recommendations for next steps depending on your symptoms, age, medical conditions, and other factors. If you require care for your illness, Kinkaid can help you with just about anything you need, without you ever having to leave your home.

We highly recommend at-home care for patients with Covid-19, especially for those over the age of 65 or with pre-existing medical conditions. By receiving care at home, you ensure that you never come in contact with the germs of a doctor’s office or hospital, and you allow yourself to recover in a stress-free environment.

Kinkaid’s in-home Covid-19 care consists of the following:

  • Appropriate Medical Tests: Our team of nurses coordinates any medical tests you may need to help treat the virus, all of which are performed in the comfort of your home. Examples of these at-home medical tests include EKGs, chest x-rays, blood draws, and more.
  • Keeping You Comfortable: One of the primary goals of our at-home Covid care is to keep you as comfortable as possible while you recover. We can coordinate at-home medical services that help boost your health, such as IV vitamin therapy, IV electrolyte replacement, and more. We also provide homemade soups and juices if you would like.
  • Administering Medication: If necessary, we coordinate with your physician to ensure you receive the medication you need without having to leave your home. Our nurses are trained to administer medication in a safe and timely manner.
  • Keeping You Out of the Hospital: Our Covid-19 care team does everything it can to keep you out of the hospital, so you can recover in your stress-free home environment. That being said, if you do need to go to the hospital, we will help coordinate the logistics of that as well.

Get the At-Home Care You Need With Kinkaid:

If you or your loved one needs an at-home Covid-19 test or at-home care for the virus, please visit our Covid-19 page to see how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about our values and the array of services we provide. These services include home detox throughout California, as well as in-home nursing care and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area.

iv electrolyte replacement

Electrolytes are essential for your body to function properly, so it is important to eat healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure you have an appropriate balance of electrolytes in your system. And if you discover that you have an electrolyte imbalance, you should seek medical attention to ensure you get what you need to improve your health.

In this article, we will discuss what an electrolyte imbalance is, what can cause it, and how it can be treated from the comfort of your home.

What is an Electrolyte Imbalance?

An electrolyte imbalance is when your body does not have an appropriate amount of electrolytes to function properly. Electrolytes are minerals — such as sodium, calcium, and potassium — that your body uses to balance its water levels, remove waste, enable proper muscle movements, and more. So, as you can imagine, you need a healthy balance of electrolytes to function.

What Causes an Electrolyte Imbalance?

Electrolyte imbalances are caused by your body losing an excessive amount of electrolytes and not being able to replenish them quickly enough. So, any activities that involve losing a lot of fluids can lead to an imbalance in your electrolytes. The following are three examples of common ways people lose too many electrolytes at once:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Not drinking enough fluids after exercising
  • Heat exhaustion and sweating too much

Treating an Electrolyte Imbalance at Home:

If you need treatment for an electrolyte imbalance, we recommend receiving IV electrolyte replacement, as this will replenish your body with the right amount of electrolytes in a quick and safe manner. IV electrolyte replacements involve injecting electrolytes directly into your bloodstream, so your body receives what it needs right away. The procedure is safe, quick, and painless.

You can receive IV electrolyte replacement from the comfort of your home, as nurses can safely administer the procedure from anywhere. If you are interested in receiving this treatment, we recommend contacting your medical provider. If you live in the Los Angeles metro area, read on to see how we can help you.

Get The Home Care You Need with Kinkaid:

If you or your loved one is in need of at-home IV Electrolyte Replacement, please reach out to us to see how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about the array of services we provide. These services include at-home IV Vitamin Therapy, in-home nursing care, and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area, as well as home detox services all over the state of California. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.

detox from home

Detox is the first step of the recovery process from just about any form of drug or alcohol addiction; your body must first get rid of all toxins associated with drugs or alcohol before you can begin your treatment. And traditionally, people needing to detox have gone to hospitals or treatment centers for the days or weeks of the process. However, we recommend considering home detox as a safe and comfortable alternative, as it is just as effective and allows you to complete this step of your treatment from the comfort of your home.

In this article, we will discuss what detox is, who can receive detox from home, and how Kinkaid can help you with your home detox.

What is Detox?

As mentioned above, detox (short for detoxification) is the process of ridding your body of all toxins associated with your drug or alcohol addiction. Detox is a necessary first step of any recovery process because you must be fully sober and have a healthy body to begin long-term treatment for your addiction.

Detox is used as the first step of treatment for a variety of types of addiction. The following are some of the most common types of Detox:

Anyone Can Receive Detox From Home:

While some people argue that some forms of addiction are too severe for home care, the reality is that anyone can receive the detox portion of their treatment from home. In fact, we recommend home detox for even the most severe addictions because being at home will take away some of the stresses of having to be at a hospital or treatment center. And this is crucial because as you complete your detox, it is important to surround yourself with a stress-free environment.

We have completed severe cases of detox from home on many occasions, so we know from experience that there is no case that is too severe for home detox. If you are interested in completing your detox at home, be in touch with your medical provider. If you are in California, please read on to see how we can help.

Get The Home Care You Need with Kinkaid:

If you or your loved one is in need of home detox, please reach out to us to see how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about the array of services we provide. These services include home detox throughout California, as well as in-home nursing care and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.

Methamphetamine Detox Timeline

Methamphetamine detox is the first step on the journey to recovering from your addiction. Detox is a necessary first step because before you start treatment, you must rid your body of the toxins it has received from abusing the drug. The detox stage of recovery does just that: It rids your body of all poisons so you are ready to begin your treatment in a sober state.

It is important to note that while most people can detox from methamphetamines at home, some meth detox cases may be too severe for at-home care. Please contact us and we can let you know how we can help.

Methamphetamine Detox Timeline:

The meth detox process can vary depending on the severity of each case and is usually longer than the detox processes for other drugs or alcohol. In general, the process can be broken down into two main phases:

  • Crash Phase: This phase usually lasts around 3-10 days, depending on the case. During the crash phase, patients usually experience extreme fatigue and a decline in cognitive ability. They could also experience flu-like symptoms such as nausea and sweating.
  • Intense Craving Phase: This phase can last for up to ten weeks and can include symptoms such as panic, hallucinations, increase in appetite, and more.

Symptoms of Methamphetamine Detox:

We discussed a few of the symptoms for each stage above, but here is a full list of symptoms one can expect during the meth detox process. Remember that symptoms can vary depending on the person and the case.

  • Headache
  • Intense Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Increase in Appetite
  • Fuzzy Thinking
  • Mood Swings
  • Intense Cravings

Staying Healthy During Methamphetamine Detox:

While going through your detox, it is important to stay healthy, as this will help mitigate some of the worst symptoms. Try to keep the following in mind:

  • Eat Well and Stay Hydrated: Your body will go through a lot while detoxing, so it is important to stay as healthy as possible so you have the energy to fight off the withdrawal symptoms. This means eating well, drinking lots of water, and consuming lots of electrolytes.
  • Prioritize Relaxation: Detoxing can be difficult, so prioritize relaxation techniques to reduce your overall stress. Examples of ways to relax yourself during detox include:
    • Practicing meditation and deep breathing
    • Taking warm showers
    • Anything that can help lower your blood pressure and keep you calm

Detox at Home with Kinkaid:

If you or your loved one needs help detoxing, please visit our In-Home Detox page to learn how we can help. Kinkaid Private Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about our values and the array of services we provide. These services include home detox throughout California, as well as in-home nursing care and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.

man holding cocaine

Cocaine detox is the first step on the journey to recovering from your addiction. Detox is a necessary first step because before you start treatment, you must rid your body of the toxins it has received from abusing cocaine. The detox stage of recovery does just that: It rids your body of all poisons so you are ready to begin your treatment in a sober state.

Cocaine Detox Timeline:

Cocaine detox generally takes around 7-10 days, depending on the severity and specifics of each case, but can also last for weeks in the most severe cases. With cocaine detox, the length and severity of the process can depend on your age, history of use, how you took the drug, whether you took other drugs simultaneously, and more.

Cocaine Detox Symptoms:

Symptoms can vary depending on the factors discussed in the last section. However, in general, symptoms include the following:

  • Chills
  • Tremors
  • Muscle Aches
  • Loss of Sexual Pleasure
  • Fatigue
  • Slowed Cognitive Processes
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Feelings of Exhaustion
  • Nightmares
  • Increased Appetite
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Intense Cravings
  • Suicidal Thoughts

It is important to note that while detoxing from cocaine, the worst symptoms are usually psychological in nature, as opposed to physical. This differs from many other drug detox processes, so the specific treatment for cocaine detox symptoms may be different than for other drugs or alcohol. At Kinkaid, we understand the importance of this distinction and adjust our detox care plan accordingly.

Staying Healthy During Cocaine Detox:

While going through your detox, it is important to stay healthy, as this will help mitigate some of the worst symptoms. Try to keep the following in mind:

  • Eat Well and Stay Hydrated: Your body will go through a lot while detoxing, so it is important to stay as healthy as possible so you have the energy to fight off the withdrawal symptoms. This means eating well, drinking lots of water, and consuming lots of electrolytes.
  • Prioritize Relaxation: Detoxing can be difficult, so prioritize relaxation techniques to reduce your overall stress. Examples of ways to relax yourself during detox include:
    • Practicing meditation and deep breathing
    • Taking warm showers
    • Anything that can help lower your blood pressure and keep you calm

Detox at Home with Kinkaid:

If you or your loved one needs help detoxing, please visit our In-Home Detox page to learn how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about our values and the array of services we provide. These services include home detox throughout California, as well as in-home nursing care and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.

Prescription Opioid pills

Prescription opioid detox includes detox from OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet, and heroin. Prescription opioid detox is the first step on the journey to recovering from your addiction. Detox is a necessary first step because before you start treatment, you must rid your body of the toxins it has received from abusing the drug. The detox stage of recovery does just that: It rids your body of all poisons so you are ready to begin your treatment in a sober state.

Prescription Opioid Detox Timeline and Symptoms:

Detoxing from opiates generally takes about one week, depending on the acuity of the chemical dependence. The signs of withdrawal are usually visible about 6 hours after the last dosing of the opiate or prescription opioid, and peak on day 3 before subsiding.

Opiate withdrawal symptoms usually include the following:

  • Muscle Cramps
  • Nausea
  • Cravings
  • Anxiety
  • Runny Nose
  • Tearing Eyes
  • Sweating
  • Agitation
  • Excessive Yawning
  • Racing Heart
  • Elevated Blood Pressure
  • Fever
  • Insomnia

While going through your detox, it is important to stay healthy, as this will help mitigate some of the worst symptoms. Try to keep the following in mind:

  • Eat Well and Stay Hydrated: Your body will go through a lot while detoxing, so it is important to stay as healthy as possible so you have the energy to fight off the withdrawal symptoms. This means eating well, drinking lots of water, and consuming lots of electrolytes.
  • Prioritize Relaxation: Detoxing can be difficult, so prioritize relaxation techniques to reduce your overall stress. Examples of ways to relax yourself during detox include:
    • Practicing meditation and deep breathing
    • Taking warm showers
    • Anything that can help lower your blood pressure and keep you calm

Detox at Home with Kinkaid:

If you or your loved one needs help detoxing, please visit our In-Home Detox page to see how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about our values and the array of services we provide. These services include home detox throughout California, as well as in-home nursing care and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.

benzodiazepine pills

Benzodiazepines are physically addicting drugs that include Ativan, Xanax, and Valium. Benzodiazepine detox is the first step on the journey to recovering from your addiction. Detox is a necessary first step because before you start treatment, you must rid your body of the toxins it has received from abusing benzodiazepines. The detox stage of recovery does just that: It rids your body of all poisons so you are ready to begin your treatment in a sober state.

Benzodiazepine Detox Timeline:

There is no typical timeline for the detox process for Benzodiazepines, as the length and severity of the process depend on the exact drug addiction and the level of prior drug use. While symptoms usually start within 24 hours, they can last for a few days to a few months, depending on the severity of the case.

It is important to note that it is dangerous to stop taking Benzodiazepines abruptly once you have developed an addiction. Because of this, during your detox process, a trained nurse will administer the drug to you in incrementally lower doses over the course of a 2-3 week period until your body is able to function without the drug.

Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Detox:

Symptoms can vary depending on the type of benzo addiction and severity of the case. In general, though, the following are common symptoms of the benzo detox process:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Memory Loss
  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Tremors
  • Vertigo
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Psychosis
  • Depression

While going through your detox, it is important to stay healthy, as this will help mitigate some of the worst symptoms. Try to keep the following in mind:

  • Eat Well and Stay Hydrated: Your body will go through a lot while detoxing, so it is important to stay as healthy as possible so you have the energy to fight off the withdrawal symptoms. This means eating well, drinking lots of water, and consuming lots of electrolytes.
  • Prioritize Relaxation: Detoxing can be difficult, so prioritize relaxation techniques to reduce your overall stress. Examples of ways to relax yourself during detox include:
    • Practicing meditation and deep breathing
    • Taking warm showers
    • Anything that can help lower your blood pressure and keep you calm

Detox at Home with Kinkaid:

If you or your loved one needs help detoxing, please visit our In-Home Detox page to see how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about our values and the array of services we provide. These services include home detox throughout California, as well as in-home nursing care and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.

refusing alcohol

Alcohol detox is the first step on the journey to recovering from alcohol addiction. Detox is a necessary first step because before you start treatment, you must rid your body of the toxins it has received from drinking too much alcohol. The detox stage of recovery does just that: It rids your body of all alcohol-related poisons so you are ready to begin your treatment in a sober state.

The detox process has multiple stages, each of which comes with a variety of symptoms. In this article, we outline a typical alcohol detox timeline and symptoms that accompany each stage. 

Alcohol Detox Timeline: Symptoms and What to Keep in Mind

As we discuss in our article about how to detox from alcohol at home, you can expect the following timeline for your alcohol detox process:

  • Day 1: Symptoms usually start off mild and then become more severe. Symptoms include headaches, anxiety, nausea, and more. More serious cases may include symptoms such as disorientation, hand tremors, and/or seizures.
  • Day 2: Symptoms are generally the same as the first day, but some patients may also start to experience hallucinations and/or panic attacks.
  • Days 3-7: The symptoms of the first two days come and go throughout this period. Patients with more severe cases may be at risk of more life-threatening symptoms, such as delirium tremens (DT), but this is rare.
  • After One Week: Symptoms usually start to taper off after a week, but you may still feel some of them. At this point, you should be focusing on finishing your detox and beginning the next phase of your recovery, which is usually long-term treatment at a treatment center.

While going through your detox, it is important to stay healthy, as this will help mitigate some of the worst symptoms. Try to keep the following in mind:

  • Eat Well and Stay Hydrated: Your body will go through a lot while detoxing, so it is important to stay as healthy as possible so you have the energy to fight off the withdrawal symptoms. This means eating well, drinking lots of water, and consuming lots of electrolytes.
  • Prioritize Relaxation: Detoxing can be difficult, so prioritize relaxation techniques to reduce your overall stress. Examples of ways to relax yourself during detox include:
    • Practicing meditation and deep breathing
    • Taking warm showers
    • Anything that can help lower your blood pressure and keep you calm

Detox at Home with Kinkaid:

If you or your loved one needs help with detox, please visit our at home alcohol detox page to see how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about our values and the array of services we provide. These services include home detox throughout California, as well as in-home nursing care and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.

organizing nursing care

When coordinating in-home nursing care, finding a qualified and effective case management team is crucial. After all, the top priority of any home care treatment is making sure everything is taken care of and that your loved one is in the best hands possible.

The only way to ensure everything is done effectively is to make sure you have a case management team that is organized, experienced, informed, and ultimately knows how to get the job done in the best way possible. While seeking nurse case management, look for a team with the following four characteristics:

  1. In-Home Nursing Care Experts: Try to find a team that focuses specifically on in-home nursing care. It’s usually best to hire a group of people who have a niche market they serve, as they must be dedicated experts in that specific field in order to succeed.
  2. Excellent Communication: When organizing care for your loved one, there is little room for error, as you want your loved one to receive the best care possible. Miscommunications are one of the most common causes of mistakes, so be sure to hire a team with exceptional communication skills. Moreover, teams with good communication skills will be able to effectively educate you and your family on your loved one’s condition.
  3. Superior Organizational Skills: In-home nursing care is complicated and requires a team to be organized and keep track of every detail. A lack of organizational skills could lead to the wrong medication administered or other disastrous outcomes.
  4. Well-Connected in the Medical Community: Part of receiving the best in-home nursing care is having access to the best doctors when necessary. While seeking a nurse case management team, you want to find professionals who are well-connected and can refer your loved one to the best doctors available.

Get The Home Care You Need with Kinkaid:

If you are in need of in-home nursing care or a nurse case management team, please reach out to us to see how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about the array of services we provide. These services include in-home nursing care and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area, as well as home detox services all over the state of California. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.

older woman doing yoga at home

Yoga has become a popular activity and form of exercise for people across the world, as it relaxes your mind and keeps you in shape at the same time. And while most yoga classes and videos are geared toward young and middle-aged adults, seniors can and should enjoy yoga as well. After all, easing the mind and body should be for everyone, regardless of age.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of yoga for seniors and how you can take yoga classes with a private instructor at home.

Benefits of Yoga for Seniors:

Older adults should practice yoga for a number of reasons, as yoga can enhance the lives of senior citizens in numerous ways. The following are just a few of the benefits of yoga for seniors:

  • Stronger Body: Yoga allows you to strengthen your body so you are healthier physically. Yoga forces you to build bone strength, muscle strength, and flexibility, all of which are crucial for the health of senior citizens.
  • Improved Balance: One of the biggest benefits of yoga is improved balance. If you find yourself struggling with balance as you age, yoga may be a good fit for you.
  • Improved Breathing: Yoga helps you gain control of your breathing and breathe in a healthier way, which can sometimes be a problem for seniors.
  • Reduced Stress: As yoga is a good source of physical exercise, it helps reduce overall stress and keep you in a healthier mental state. It can even help you sleep better at night.

Take Private Yoga Classes From Home:

The best option for many senior citizens is to partake in yoga from the comfort of your home. After all, traveling can be stressful as one ages and may not be worth a 30 or 60 minute yoga session. Because of this, we recommend looking into at-home yoga with a private instructor. While this may be more expensive, it provides the most comfortable and customized experience that can help improve the health of older adults.

At-home care providers can help arrange private yoga instructors who can lead seniors in yoga from the comfort of the senior citizen’s home. We recommend going through an at-home care provider because these providers can usually help set up other related services if need be. See below for how you can set up at-home yoga sessions.

Get The Home Care You Need with Kinkaid:

If you are interested in private yoga at home, please reach out to us to see how we can help. Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client.

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about the array of services we provide. These services include at-home private yoga instructors, in-home nursing care, and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area, as well as home detox services all over the state of California. We also offer at-home Covid-19 testing.