Are Dementia Patients Better at Home or in a Care Home?

Dementia is a broad term for various memory loss conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, that cause memory loss, cognitive decline, and changes in behavior. It is a significant part of aging for many individuals, which can impact their ability to perform daily tasks and maintain independence.

When faced with a dementia diagnosis in a loved one, families often grapple with the challenging decision: are dementia patients better at home or in a care home? While both options have their merits, in-home care stands out for its numerous benefits that positively contribute to the patient’s overall well-being and quality of life.

The Case for Home Care: Are Dementia Patients Better at Home?

One of the primary considerations for families is whether patients are better at home or in a care home. There are several significant benefits to at home care:

Familiar Environment and Comfort

Living at home allows dementia patients to remain in a comfortable, safe, and familiar environment, which can significantly reduce anxiety and confusion. The comfort of one’s own home can provide a sense of stability and continuity. Familiar surroundings can trigger positive memories and provide a soothing atmosphere, which is particularly beneficial for patients suffering from this disease.

Personalized Care and Attention

Home care often enables more personalized and one-on-one attention compared to care facilities. Caregivers can tailor their approach to the specific needs and preferences of the patient, contributing to a higher quality of life. This level of personalized care can be crucial in order to manage dementia symptoms and progression. In-home caregivers can develop a deep understanding of the patient’s routines, likes, and dislikes, which enhances the effectiveness of care.

Customized Care Plans

Similarly to the benefits mentioned above, customized care plans meet the specific needs of patients at home. From medication management to tailored activities that stimulate cognitive function, in-home care addresses all aspects of the patient’s well-being. This individualized approach is often more effective than the generalized care provided in many facilities.

Involvement of Family Members

Having dementia patients at home allows family members to be actively involved in their care. This involvement can strengthen familial bonds and provide emotional support for both the patient and the caregivers. Family members can play a significant role in the daily activities and care routines, enhancing the patient’s overall well-being. Loved ones can provide patients with a sense of security and emotional comfort.

Quality of Life and Independence

In-home care supports the dignity and independence of dementia patients. They can maintain their daily routines and hobbies with minimal disruption, which can have a positive impact on their mental and emotional health. The ability to live independently and in a familiar environment positively contributes to the quality of life.

Addressing the Challenges of Home Care

While in-home care offers numerous benefits, it is essential to acknowledge the challenges to ensure a balanced decision.

Physical and Emotional Demands

Caring for a loved one at home can be physically and emotionally demanding. The responsibility can be overwhelming, especially as the disease progresses and the patient’s needs become more complex. Caregivers may experience burnout, which can affect their health and the quality of care provided. That is why we recommend choosing a qualified in-home care professional.

Safety Concerns

Ensuring the safety of a dementia patient at home can be challenging. The risk factors for accidents, such as falls or wandering, increase as cognitive abilities decline. Families may need to make significant modifications to the home environment to mitigate these risks, which can be costly and time-consuming. However, when you work with a professional caregiver, your loved one is in the most capable hands.

Factors to Consider

Deciding if patients are better at home or in a care home involves a balance of several factors. Families must consider the patient’s specific needs, the availability of resources, and the ability to provide the necessary level of care.

Severity of Dementia

The stage and severity of the disease play a critical role in determining the best care setting. Early-stage dementia patients may thrive in a home environment, while those with advanced dementia might require the specialized care provided by a nursing home or assisted living facility.

Family Support and Resources

The availability of family support and resources significantly impacts the decision. Families with ample support and financial resources may be better equipped to provide high-quality home care, whereas those with limited resources might find care facilities more suitable.

Quality of Care

The quality of care is paramount in supporting the well-being of patients. Whether at home or in a care home, the care plan should be comprehensive, addressing medical, emotional, and social needs. It is essential to make regular assessments and adjustments to the care plan in order to meet the evolving needs of the patient.

Making the Decision

When deciding if patients are better at home or in a care home, it is crucial to involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process. Open communication with healthcare professionals, family members, and the patient (if possible) can provide valuable insights and help in making an informed choice.

Consulting Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals, including geriatricians, neurologists, and dementia care specialists, can offer guidance based on the patient’s medical history and current condition. They can provide recommendations for care plans, safety measures, and support services.

Family Discussions

Family discussions should address the capabilities and limitations of providing care at home, considering factors like caregiver availability, financial resources, and the emotional readiness of family members. It’s essential to have honest conversations about the responsibilities and challenges involved.

Kinkaid Private Care for all the Benefits of In Home Care in L.A.

Deciding whether dementia patients are better at home or in a care home is a complex and deeply personal decision. While both options have their benefits and challenges, the advantages of in-home care, such as personalized attention, a familiar environment, and the involvement of family members, often make it the preferred choice for many families.
Kinkaid Private Care in Los Angeles provides compassionate and comprehensive in-home care for people living with dementia throughout Southern California. Call us at 866-573-1542 or submit our online contact form to learn more.

Drug Detox at Home Los Angeles

Have you reached a crossroads in your battle with a substance? If you are seeking at-home support when starting the recovery journey, you may have questions about detox and withdrawal. To learn all about drug detox at home Los Angeles, read on!

What is Drug Detox at Home?

Congratulations, you are ready to quit the substance use and reform your life. Therefore, drug detox at home Los Angeles is the very first step in your recovery from substance use disorder.

Completing the drug detox at your home is the same process you would undergo in a clinical setting. The main difference is that you complete the detox process within the comfort of your home versus a facility.

Understanding Why Medical Support is Needed During Detox

It is important to understand that an at-home drug detox should always involve medical support and monitoring. Stopping drugs cold turkey can be risky, even life threatening. For this reason, it is never advised to attempt detox alone.

Without the needed medical and emotional support, the chances of actually completing the detox are quite low. This is because the powerful cravings and physical and mental discomfort experienced during detox may be too hard to bear. Without support, the person is likely to return to the substance and never make it into treatment.

Can I Safely Detox from Drugs at Home?

Prior to entering recovery, it is important to have a doctor or addiction specialist assess and stage your substance use disorder. During this evaluation, the doctor or clinician can determine whether it is safe to undergo an at-home drug detox.

Once it’s decided that an at-home detox is a safe option for you, the next step is to arrange for medical support. To safely detox from drugs at home, you will need a trained detox nurse to guide you through the process.

The private nurse receives guidance from a physician who specializes in addiction treatment. This collaboration provides the medical support and oversight you will need to safely detox at home.

Why Choose to Detox from Drugs at Home?

Ambulatory, or at-home detox is a viable option for some individuals depending on several factors. These include how severe the substance use disorder is, your health status, your mental health status, and your detox history. A doctor can guide you toward the best detox setting for your particular substance use disorder, such as at-home detox.

For those who are good candidates for an at-home detox, there are many benefits versus a detox facility. These include:

  1. Privacy. By choosing drug detox at home you enjoy a higher degree of personal privacy compared to entering a detox center.
  2. Less stress. Being at home while going through the withdrawal process is much less stressful than being in a busy detox facility.
  3. Personalized care. A private nurse provides one-on-one individualized care and attention while you go through detox at home.
  4. Comfort. Being at home in your familiar surroundings provides a higher level of personal comfort versus a detox facility.
  5. Family support. Going through detox at home allows you to have easy access to your loved ones and their support.
  6. More freedom. At-home detox provides more freedom, such as remaining somewhat engaged in work activities or sitting outside in the backyard.
  7. Concierge services. An at-home drug detox program can provide additional holistic services to enhance comfort during the process.

What is Drug Withdrawal?

Substance withdrawal is the physical and psychological process that ensues hours after you stop taking drugs or pills. Once someone has become dependent or addicted to a substance, the brain chemistry has adapted to its presence. When the person decides to stop taking the drug, the brain and body undergo a period of destabilization, as if in shock.

During this period, uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms emerge. The symptoms eventually subside once the brain can once again produce its own chemicals. This timeline varies based on the type of substance involved, and how long the person was dependent on it.

What to Expect During Drug Detox at Home

When enlisting the support of a private detox nurse, you may be put on a drug-tapering schedule. Tapering is common for those who are dependent on prescription pills, as it allows the body to adjust gradually over time as the dose is reduced.

Some common drug withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • GI distress
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Shivering or goose bumps
  • Confusion
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Hallucinations
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Seizures

Although the specific withdrawal symptoms and timelines will vary depending on the substance, there is a predictable pattern to expect:

  • Stage one of detox: The first stage of detox starts about 6-12 hours after the last dose of the drug. This stage features emerging symptoms and only lasts about a day.
  • Stage two of detox: The second stage of detox features the most intense withdrawal symptoms. This stage may last 2-3 days.
  • Stage three of detox: The final phase of detox may last days or weeks, and features the withdrawal symptoms resolving to a large extent.

Do You Need Treatment After Completing Drug Detox at Home?

To vastly increase your chances of recovery success, you will want to enroll in an outpatient or residential addiction treatment program. This is because detox alone is not adequate for long-term sobriety. A rehab program shows you how to sustain sobriety by helping you develop new behavior patterns.

Both outpatient and residential rehabs offer similar treatment elements, although in differing levels of intensity. These elements include:

    • Individual psychotherapy
    • Group therapy
    • Family group
    • 12-step program
    • Life skills classes
    • Addiction education
    • Holistic therapies
    • Nutritional counseling

If you are ready to get clean and sober and are interested in drug detox at home, reach out today.

Kinkaid Private Care Drug Detox at Home Los Angeles

Kinkaid Private Care specializes in assisting individuals complete drug detox at home Los Angeles. Safely detox from drugs or alcohol in the privacy and comfort of your home. Call Kinkaid Private Care today at (866) 337-4596.

Hospital Sitter

Relief & Support from Hospital Sitters

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

A hospital sitter can be a great help and relief to a family who needs additional support. When a loved one is in the hospital, it can be difficult to accept that you cannot always be at their side. Work, family, and outside responsibilities continue to press demands upon people no matter what emergencies come up. 

Having somebody bedside at the hospital isn’t just a matter of comfort and companionship. It’s another person to help advocate for the patient, to understand and digest the information provided by healthcare professionals, and to expedite the transition from hospital to home.

With Kinkaid Private Care’s hospital sitters, you can ensure that your loved one not only has the company they need – but has a dedicated advocate for their health and wellbeing.

What A Hospital Sitter Does

The primary role of a hospital sitter is to improve patient care and act as a patient advocate. As comprehensive as your loved one’s hospital may be, the simple fact is that nurses, doctors, and other hospital staff typically have dozens of patients to supervise and care for and cannot provide one-on-one attention at all hours of the day.

In contrast, a hospital sitter is dedicated entirely to one patient at a time, providing support, companionship, and assistance with anything the patient may require. This could be as simple as helping a bed-ridden patient adjust themselves for comfort, or as important as tracking symptoms and reporting critical information to hospital staff.

Without a hospital sitter, these responsibilities typically fall to either the patient themselves, or family and friends who have the time and availability to sit with a patient throughout the day. But these solutions don’t always work as well as one would hope – the hospital patient is often wracked with symptoms or under the effects of medications, which can inhibit their ability to communicate their needs effectively, and friends and family often cannot spare the time to sit with their loved one’s long-term.

How a Hospital Sitter Facilitates Care

Kinkaid Private Care’s hospital sitters all have extensive medical backgrounds. This experience provides them with expert insight into several common issues that families and patients alike can experience during a hospital stay, as well as an understanding of how hospital systems function.

This allows them to perform task such as:

  • Digesting and explaining complex medical information
  • Monitoring symptoms and alerting hospital staff if required
  • Advocating for higher or lower levels of care when needed
  • Expedite discharge planning when the patient is ready
  • Communicating information between patients, providers, and family members

While a hospital sitter does not provide direct medical care, they can play a pivotal role in ensuring that each patient gets the right level of care for their needs.

Who A Hospital Sitter Can Help

Our hospital sitters are trained to help with a wide range of medical concerns that require hospitalization – for both patients and families alike. 


Most people look toward hiring a hospital sitter when a family member or loved one is entered into a hospital’s care for an extended duration. Our hospital sitters can help with a wide range of medical concerns and hospitalization events, including:

  • Recovering from surgery
  • Mental health hospital admissions
  • Post-partum hospital care
  • Worsening chronic illness
  • Cancer treatment

Hospital sitters are best suited to helping patients with complex medical needs or extended hospitalization events. In these situations, patients not only crave companionship and support, but are often expected to absorb and digest tremendous amounts of medical information and follow-up care regimens.

Family Members

Family members will often fill the role of a hospital sitter when they can, but most people still need to go to work or attend to other outside responsibilities. Even if multiple family members are working together, a hospital sitter can help fill the gaps when nobody else is available.

Hospital sitters support family members by being bedside when medical professionals come to provide essential information, communicating changes in symptoms or concerns to family members, and treating your loved one with the same respect and dignity that they would get from you.

Hospital Staff

A hospital sitter can frequently help hospital staff to make better, more informed decisions about patient care. For example, they can track behavioral or physical symptoms that the patient themselves may not recognize, or communicate to hospital staff about how a patient is responding to certain medications or treatment interventions.

This is always done with the patient’s interest in mind, and only with their informed consent. Your hospital sitter isn’t there to dictate the patient’s actions or to make assumptions, but rather as an advocate who can communicate a patient’s needs and preferences.

Importantly, the role of a hospital sitter isn’t to make nurses and doctor’s jobs easier. In fact, their role is often just the opposite. A hospital sitter instead keeps them accountable, focused, and committed to providing the best level of care available.

How to Choose a Hospital Sitter

Choosing a hospital sitter isn’t always easy. The very nature of being a hospital sitter requires a great degree of trust and compassion, as they are often supporting patients and family members during their most vulnerable and difficult experiences.

When choosing a hospital sitter, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you get the right level of care and right sitter for your family’s needs:

  1. First, discuss with your hospital sitter the scope of care and complexity of health issues. This allows you to know whether your sitter has the experience and availability necessary to provide excellent care.
  2. Second, make sure that your hospital sitter has a good “fit” with the patient and your family. Much of hospital sitter work is focused on communication and companionship – and having a good relationship is critical to having excellent care.
  3. Finally, if you find that your sitter isn’t fitting your needs – feel free to reach out to Kinkaid to see if other sitters are available. We want all of our clients to be happy with our services.

The Kinkaid Private Care Difference

At Kinkaid Private Care, our team is dedicated to helping our clients achieve the best possible services, from hospital to home and everywhere in between. Call our team today for a no-obligation consultation at 866-337-4596 or fill out our online contact form to get started with a professional hospital sitter today. 

Nurse to Home Los Angeles

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

Do you have a loved one who is in need of nursing care but wants to continue residing at home? This trend of aging in place is not waning, as more and more people choose to avoid facilities. Hiring a private nurse to provide home care is the perfect solution.

About Nurse to Home Los Angeles

Private duty nurses are simply registered nurses (RN) who contract with the patient to provide personalized medical care. A private duty nurse is able to provide such care either within the patient’s home, while traveling with the patient, or anyplace nursing care is needed.

A private nurse is hand selected through an agency based on the specific medical needs of the patient. There are nurses that have specialized training and experience in treating a range of conditions. These include cancer care, post-operative care, diabetes care, mental health care, hospice care and more.

What Makes a Nurse-to-Home Scenario so Attractive?

When a loved one becomes sidelined with a chronic illness or disability, there are decisions to make. Chances are they would prefer to be treated within the comfort of their own home versus convalescing in a nursing facility. Consider some of the reasons why patients prefer a nurse to home situation:

  • Maintaining independence. While nursing homes and assisted living facilities provide important services, most people prefer to stay in their own home. This allows the patient to have more autonomy and freedom than they would experience in a facility.
  • Being surrounded by loved ones. Many patients resist moving into a facility where they might become lonely and depressed. Family support and having access to beloved pets, friends and neighbors are protective for maintaining mental health.
  • More personalized treatment. The quality of the care received matters. Whether it’s post-surgery, a chronic illness, or hospice care, home nursing offers tailored one-on-one care.
  • Convenience. It isn’t only the patient who benefits from having a private nurse caring for them. Having a nurse come to the home removes a great deal of stress on family members. Shuttling the loved one to doctor appointments, battling traffic, and searching for a parking space is greatly reduced.

Types of Care Services Provided by Private Nurses

Private in-home nursing services cover a wide range of health needs. While some patients may only need short-term nursing care following a hospital stay, others may need ongoing caregiving.

Some of the services provided by private home nurses include:

  • Post-surgical care. When family members aren’t able to get time off work to care for a loved one following surgery, a private nurse can step in. The nurse can watch for infection, dress surgical wounds, and provide ambulatory help after surgery.
  • Transitioning from hospital to home. A private nurse can assist in the discharge process at the hospital. They are able to obtain doctor’s post-op instructions, fill prescriptions, and assist in transporting the patient home.
  • Wellness checks and medication management. Nurses can stop by and check on a loved one who lives alone. The wellness visits include checking vital signs, conduct wound care and assessment, organize medications and dispense the drugs.
  • Cancer care. Cancer home care will depend on the type of cancer and the staging. A nurse can provide pain control and medication monitoring, wound care, IV treatments, monitor infection, and respond to emergency situations.
  • Chronic illness care. When a patient suffers from an ongoing illness, like diabetes, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s, they require ongoing medical support. A private home nurse is scheduled regularly to provide a variety of medical interventions. 
  • Palliative care. Once a patient has reached a point in their illness that they no longer seek a cure, they will transition to home palliative care. A private nurse provides pain management, wound care, symptom management, breathing treatments, and emotional support. 
  • Hospice care. When a loved one enters the final phase of their journey, they enter hospice care. An in-home hospice care nurse focuses on providing comfort and pain management to offer optimal end-of-life support.
  • Caregiver respite. When the patient’s family members are the primary caregivers, they may reach a point where they need some rest. The private duty nurse steps in to relieve them of the caregiving duties for a few days.

Duties Performed by Nurse to Home Los Angeles

Be assured that the private nurse who comes to your home to provide medical care will be well trained and certified. Private nurses are trained to perform a wide array of advanced medical tasks. These include:

  • Administering oxygen and breathing treatments
  • Setting up and operating medical equipment
  • Ostomy care
  • Post-op or traumatic injury care, wound care
  • Diabetes care
  • Catheter monitoring and maintenance
  • Administering injections or IVs
  • Ventilator care
  • Catheter care
  • Pic line maintenance
  • Managing and administering all oral or topical medications and suppositories
  • Oral care
  • Tracheotomy care
  • Administer TPN (liquid nutrition)

Concierge Nursing Services at Home

In addition to the standard nursing services, specialty concierge services may also be available through a private duty nursing team. These holistic treatments enhance the healing process, and offer mental health benefits to the patient. Concierge health services often focus on relaxation techniques that improve the patient’s quality of life while dealing with an illness. Concierge services are arranged by the nurse and may include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • Guided mediation
  • IV vitamin therapy
  • Personal trainer

Optimize Your Loved One’s Quality of Life with Home Nursing Care

If you ask your loved one which setting they would prefer to receive medical care in, chances are they will tell you “at home.” By arranging a nurse to home care plan, you can accommodate their wishes to heal at home.

Private nurses provide skilling nursing services at the patient’s home. Your loved one will receive quality care that surpasses that which he or she would receive at a nursing home. Meanwhile, your loved one will be happier, and a positive attitude offers many healing benefits.

Kinkaid Private Care Matches Nurse to Your Needs

Kinkaid Private Care provides personalized nursing care and concierge services in the home setting. We take great care in matching our specialized nurses with the patient that will benefit from their particular training and experience. To learn more about our private at-home skilled nursing services, call us today at (866) 337-4596

Hospice Care at Home for Cancer Patients

Hospice Care at Home for Cancer Patients 

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

Starting hospice care can help ease many of the pains and challenges of a late-stage cancer diagnosis. It provides dignity, comfort, and support during this incredibly difficult period – and can vastly improve you or your loved one’s quality of life. 

Understanding Hospice Care for Cancer Patients

Hospice care is a specialized, comprehensive type of care for people experiencing life-limiting illness such as advanced cancer. Its primary role is to improve the personal well-being of the patient during the final stage of life, and to provide comfort to both the patient and their family.

Hospice care is not concerned with treating the disease itself. A hospice team instead works to help resolve uncomfortable symptoms, provide pain relief, and to help guide patients and families through the end-of-life transition. A comprehensive home hospice care program includes medical, emotional, and spiritual support components to help patients and family members during a life-limiting cancer diagnosis.

Though hospice care is related to this end-of-life period, it is an inherently life-affirming style of care. It allows cancer patients the opportunity to spend their last days with a higher quality of life, to cherish their time with friends and family, and to spend this time focusing on what matters most to them.

Benefits of Hospice Care at Home

Hospice care at home extends this life-affirming approach even further, by providing care where you or your loved one already feel most comfortable. But there are a number of benefits for home hospice care outside of the location alone:

  • Truly personalized care. Compared to treatment at a hospital or nursing home, hospice home care provides substantially more individualized treatment. Hospice care at home guarantees you have your medical provider’s full attention and provides truly one-on-one care.
  • Emotional and spiritual support. Hospice care at home is about more than just symptom relief – with our providers offering both emotional and spiritual support for cancer patients and their families.
  • Maintaining quality of life. Life with a late-stage cancer diagnosis can cause a number of uncomfortable and painful symptoms. Home hospice care can drastically improve these symptoms, allowing patients to focus on what matters most.

Living through the final stages of a cancer diagnosis is never easy – but compassionate hospice care can make the process much more comfortable for families and patients alike.

Services Offered at Home-Based Hospice Care

Home-based hospice care offers several services to cancer patients to restore dignity and quality of life. The main services of hospice care fall into two main categories – medical care, and emotional and spiritual support.

Medical Care

Home hospice medical care brings the treatment and monitoring you would expect at a hospital or medical facility into the home. This includes services such as:

  • Pain management
  • Symptom control
  • Medication administration

Pain is one of the most common symptoms for cancer patients, and often the primary concern. Hospice care can provide a number of different approaches to help manage pain, providing substantial relief for cancer patients. Other common symptoms – such as nausea, spasms, or difficulty breathing can be treated with appropriate medications.

Emotional and Spiritual Support

The nature of hospice care makes emotional and spiritual care an essential component of a comprehensive care program. A hospice care team can help relieve end-of-life anxiety through compassion, companionship, and an emphasis on the connections and relationships that can help patients approach life’s final transition in dignity and grace.

Kinkaid Private Care’s holistic hospice care options can include counselling or chaplain services to families who want additional support.  

How to Arrange Hospice Care at Home

Starting at-home hospice care is as simple as calling Kinkaid Private Care to speak to one of our medical professionals by dialing 866-337-4596 or by filling out our confidential online contact form for a no-obligation consultation. Our team can help walk you through setting up the home hospice process, and will be there to support you and your family through every step of the journey.

Once you’ve started our services, our team will meet with the patient and family to start developing a customized treatment plan. No two home hospice plans are alike – each is tailored to the unique needs of each patient and family, to ensure that you get the most out of our services.

Common Concerns and FAQs

Does Home Hospice Care Include Cancer Treatment?

No. Hospice care is meant for people who don’t have curative treatment options available, or who no longer wish to seek these treatment options. Instead, hospice care is meant to provide comfort, dignity, and symptom relief after a terminal cancer diagnosis.

How Long Does Starting Home Hospice Care Take?

We understand that starting hospice care is a time sensitive concern, and the team at Kinkaid Private Care takes all the steps possible to ensure you meet with your treatment team straight away.

How Long Does Hospice Care Last?

The length of hospice care depends on each patient’s needs and the progression of the cancer diagnosis, though it is typically meant for the last few months of life-limiting illness. Our team regularly evaluates the needs of each patient, and whether hospice care is still needed or desired. 

What Is the Role of the Family in Hospice Care?

Family can be involved in hospice care as much as they like, and may benefit from the emotional and spiritual support services offered by a comprehensive home hospice program. At Kinkaid Private Care, we prioritize excellent and timely communication with family members, so that you know your loved one is in good hands.

Call Kinkaid Private Care Today

If your loved one is dealing with a life-limiting cancer diagnosis, hospice care can dramatically improve their quality of life and provide much needed support for friends and family. Home hospice care through Kinkaid Private Care can help ease many of the difficult symptoms associated with a life-limiting cancer diagnosis, and help patients and family alike with the emotional and spiritual challenges of life’s final transition.

Call our team today at 866-337-4596 or fill out our online contact form for more information on how to get started today.

How Long Does Opioid Detox Take at Home

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

Opioid withdrawal is one of the most uncomfortable stages of breaking free from an opioid use disorder. Left untreated, many people find themselves unable to make it through this period on their own – but with in-home opioid detox at Kinkaid Private Care, you can find tangible relief from your symptoms from the comfort of your home. But how long does opioid detox take? We’re here to answer your questions and help you get the treatment you need to overcome opioids.

Opioid Withdrawal

Opioid withdrawal is one of the hallmark signs of an opioid use disorder. When people use medications such as opioids (e.g., fentanyl, heroin, morphine, or codeine) for extended periods, their brains and bodies become reliant on the drug to feel normal. When you suddenly stop or cut down your dosage, your body can react viscerally – leading to both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.

The symptoms of opioid withdrawal aren’t typically life-threatening, but they can be incredibly uncomfortable and lead people to return to active opioid use. Among others, some of the most common symptoms of opioid withdrawal include:

  • Hot and cold flashes
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Goosebumps
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Stomach pains and cramps
  • Intense opioid cravings

Opioid withdrawal is often compared to a severe flu. However, since the symptoms of withdrawal are easily removed if a person gives in to their cravings, many people will return to active opioid use rather than break through the withdrawal phase and achieve recovery. And with neural evidence showing that opioid use disorder changes the structure of your brain, making it more difficult for people to stop using opioids, this is far from a matter of choice.

Thankfully, medical opioid detox at home can substantially reduce these symptoms and make the path to recovery easier. Opioid withdrawal medications target the same receptors in the brain and body as opioids do but to a much lesser degree. In some cases, they can remove the experience of withdrawal entirely.

How Long Does Opioid Detox Take?

Opioid detox typically lasts between ten and twenty-one days, but several factors can influence the length of treatment that you’ll need. No two people share the same path to recovery, and our in-home opioid detox is designed to be flexible enough to account for a wide range of circumstances.

A typical opioid detox treatment plan may be scheduled for two weeks, for instance, but could be extended if you continue to experience uncomfortable and disruptive withdrawal symptoms. At Kinkaid Private Care, our team carefully tracks your progress through the withdrawal period, looking for any emerging symptoms or complications that require further intervention.

The goal for the end of opioid detox is to be free from acute withdrawal symptoms. While some lingering symptoms may remain – often known as post-acute withdrawal – the overwhelming physical symptoms should be entirely removed through the clinical practice of withdrawal management. Withdrawal management uses a combination of medications and treatments to alleviate your symptoms and help you recover in relative comfort.

Factors that Affect Length of Opioid Detox

Dozens of factors can contribute to the length of your opioid detox. As part of the detox process, our medical team will assess several variables that influence the length of treatment, including:

  • Type of opioids used
  • Frequency of opioid use
  • Length of opioid use
  • Typical opioid dose
  • Non-opioid substance or medication use
  • Medical and mental health history
  • Time since last opioid use
  • Age
  • Overall fitness

As you might expect, longer times using opioids at higher doses and frequencies typically require longer treatment periods for a successful detox. Similarly, longer-acting opioids such as methadone have longer withdrawal periods. These factors are merged into a customized treatment plan for in-home opioid detox, ensuring that you have everything you need to reach sobriety in safety and comfort.

Timeline of Untreated Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

The timeline for opioid withdrawal can provide insight into why opioid detox takes as long as it does. Without appropriate intervention, opioid withdrawal typically follows a trajectory:

Day 1

Opioid withdrawals can begin as early as eight hours after your last dose, though some people may not experience the effects of withdrawal until 24 hours have passed. Symptoms on the first day are generally mild, and may include:

  • Feeling irritable
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Cravings
  • Depression

Because of how opioids are processed in the body, opioids are still in your system at this point, even if you don’t feel their effects. As the drugs continue to clear, withdrawal symptoms get progressively worse.

Day 2

The second day of opioid withdrawal typically involves progressively worsening symptoms, often beginning to affect you physically as well as mentally. By day two, people can experience symptoms such as:

  • Runny nose
  • Upset stomach
  • Severe anxiety
  • Hot and cold flashes

These symptoms are experienced on day one and have often become more frequent and intense at this stage.

Day 3-4

Days three and four are when withdrawal symptoms peak. At this stage, most opioids have been cleared from your body, and the effects of your physical dependence on opioids are experienced in full force. This is when the most severe withdrawal symptoms begin to arise, including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Profuse sweating
  • Restlessness

During this phase, symptoms arise frequently, often in waves. The overwhelming nature of symptoms makes it incredibly difficult for people to break free from their addiction without professional intervention.

Days 5+

By the fifth day, the symptoms listed above begin to diminish. Think of opioid withdrawals happening on a curve, where they slowly taper off after their peak. However, symptoms can continue for up to ten or fourteen days.

Once individuals no longer feel the physical symptoms of opioid withdrawal, the acute withdrawal phase is considered finished. Yet, the mental health symptoms related to overcoming opioid addiction may last for months. Many people find ongoing treatment from mental health specialists helpful during this time.

At-Home Detox Treatment Timeline

With in-home opioid detox, you can save yourself from having to experience the worst of opioid withdrawal symptoms. While medical detox cannot eliminate all symptoms, it can make the process rapidly more comfortable and vastly increase your likelihood of achieving sobriety.

Our team uses targeted medications to treat opioid withdrawal. These medications target the same receptors in the brain as opioids do but to a much lesser degree. The result is a significant reduction in withdrawal symptoms without the euphoric or addictive properties of opioids.

Because these medications target opioid receptors, accurate timing of the dose is critical. Typically, people need to have not used opioids for at least 24 hours before taking withdrawal medication, just before the second day of opioid withdrawal.

While this does mean that you may experience mild withdrawal symptoms during the 24 hours of detox, the payoff is not having the severe symptoms of withdrawal. During the next several days of detox, medications are administered regularly by our treatment team, preventing any new symptoms from appearing and keeping you as comfortable as possible.

Throughout detox, these medications are slowly weaned. By the time you have completed your in-home detox, you will have overcome opioid withdrawal and no longer be taking any withdrawal medications.

Start In-Home Opioid Detox at Kinkaid Private Care

Breaking free from an opioid use disorder is never easy. With the help of in-home opioid detox and Kinkaid Private Care’s expert providers, overcome your opioid dependence once and for all – and all from the comfort of your home. Call one of our nurses today at 866-337-4596 or fill out our confidential online contact form to start your initial assessment and take steps toward a lasting and worthwhile recovery.

Home Care for the Elderly

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

If you’re looking for an in-home caregiver in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas, Kinkaid’s network of caregiving providers offers concierge home care for the elderly who need a little help in their activities of daily living (ADLs). We partner with several caregiving agencies throughout LA and the surrounding areas to offer luxury in-home caregiving assistance for elderly individuals who finds themself having trouble with the small activities we all must do every day.

Caregiving can also be combined with our in-home nursing care if a higher level of care is needed outside of assistance with ADLs. In these situations, caregivers would continue to provide support for daily living activities while expert in-home nurses would provide high-quality medical care across a wide spectrum of health needs. The nurses are trained in various specialties and are capable of providing basic to advanced medical tasks, including catheter maintenance, colostomy care, IV infusions, injections, medication management, gastronomy care, wound care, ventilator care, oxygen treatments, and the use of specialized equipment.

What Are the Benefits of In-Home Caregiver Services from Kinkaid Private Care?

Caregivers can be highly effective when assisting people who have lost a degree of independence because of age or illness-related issues such as balance problems, mobility impairments, and other physical impediments. A professionally trained and compassionate caregiver such as those that Kinkaid Private Care partners with, can immensely improve a person’s quality of life while supporting and encouraging improved independence.

Home-based caregiving services also offer many advantages to people seeking to maintain their independence, those grappling with disabilities that disrupt their day-to-day activities, or those navigating the challenges of ongoing health conditions.

Additionally, private in-home caregivers in Los Angeles also provide companionship and friendship, which has a direct, positive impact on a person’s quality of life.  Further, provide the vital service of adult companionship. Particularly for seniors, loneliness and isolation have been associated with a host of serious health conditions. Choosing a friendly and reliable caregiver gives seniors living in empty homes the opportunity to meet with somebody regularly and share their experiences and hobbies with them.

What Do In-Home Caregivers in the L.A. Areas Do?

A caregiver’s main role is to assist each client in the activities of daily living (ADLs) while helping clients sustain and improve their independence.

Another primary function of caregivers is to provide companionship and personal care to people who are striving to maintain as much of their independence as possible at home. People with disabilities or chronic health conditions are excellent candidates for home caregiving. One of the most common missions of in-home caregivers is assisting those who are unsteady on their feet.

Some of the tasks that caregivers assist with include:

  • Cooking, meal preparation, and assistance with eating
  • Running errands and assisting with transportation
  • Medication reminders and appointments
  • Toileting, bathing, dressing, grooming, and other personal care tasks
  • Household tasks, such as laundry and dishes

Choosing the Right Caregiver

It can be daunting to choose a caregiver for yourself or a loved one. Caregiving services involve having someone come into the home and becoming a part of the household routine. In choosing a caregiver, you want to ensure that:

  • They’re good communicators.
  • They are trustworthy, dependable, and reliable.
  • They’re warm, compassionate, and friendly.
  • They have been extensively vetted.

Find Your In-Home Caregiver in Los Angeles with Kinkaid Private Care

Kinkaid Private Care’s overarching purpose is to bridge the gap between hospital and home, by bringing the best concierge medical and caregiving services directly to our clients. Caregiving is a vital component of that mission, as it can facilitate the healing process through connection, compassion, and everyday assistance.

At Kinkaid Private Care, we understand the delicate nature of caregiving. To help all our clients get the best in-home caregivers, we’ve partnered with trusted caregiving companies in the Los Angeles area to ensure each of our patients gets the support they need.

Kinkaid works with a large network of caregiving agencies throughout Los Angeles and surrounding areas. Our team has personally vetted these companies for their reliability, compassion, and communication skills, to ensure that each of our clients gets the help they need.

We ensure that caregiving services are available up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, depending on each client’s particular set of unique needs. These are vetted caregivers trained to help with a variety of client needs and tasks and can help improve the quality of life of anyone who needs assistance throughout the house.

To get started with an in-home caregiver in Los Angeles, reach out to our team by calling 866-337-4596. Our team will be happy to help you determine what level of care best suits your needs and connect you with just the right trusted caregivers that you can rely on.

In Home Psychiatric Care

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

Psychiatric care is complex and often requires regular supervision and monitoring to ensure that treatment is going to plan. But this does not mean that hospitalization or long stays at a psychiatric facility is required – with in home psychiatric care and evaluation through Kinkaid Private Care, you or your loved ones can get all the benefits of effective psychiatric treatment from the comfort of home.

Treating Psychiatric Illness

Mental health disorders can cause significant disruptions in your everyday life if left untreated. But with any severe mental health disorder, the treatment isn’t always straightforward: it often requires trying multiple different medications, monitoring your progress during treatment, changing medication dosing and timing as needed, or even regular blood tests to make sure that your medications aren’t causing unwanted side effects.

Despite the more intensive nature of treating severe mental illness, appropriate treatment can often bring about dramatic results. It can help people retain their independence, accomplish their daily tasks without difficulty, and dramatically reduce the symptoms of their mental health disorders. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 65% of people living with severe mental illness will achieve recovery – but getting effective treatment is critical to achieving that goal.

The Downside of Psychiatric Hospitalization

The more intensive nature of psychiatric treatment makes hospitalization seem like an obvious choice for many people. A psychiatric hospital allows psychiatrists and physicians to monitor their patients closely, adjust their medications as needed, and create individualized treatment plans that help them on the path to recovery. But there are severe drawbacks of psychiatric hospitalization, including:

  • Loss of independence
  • Moving to a strange and often unwelcoming environment
  • Less time spent with family and loved ones
  • Forced cohabitation with other people experiencing mental health challenges
  • Having to abide by facility rules, schedules, and regulations
  • The potential risk of involuntary physical or chemical restraint

When you or your loved one are struggling with severe mental illness, this can quickly become an impossible decision. Getting the right level of treatment often comes with unpalatable downsides, at least when you think that hospitalization is the only option.

The In-Home Psychiatric Care Solution

In-home psychiatric care provides a much more palatable solution for many people. With Kinkaid Private Care, you can receive targeted psychiatric care and evaluation from the comfort of your home, without any of the downsides of inpatient hospitalization.

In-home care isn’t a step down in care – our team of mental health professionals can still provide all the same services as a hospital, including close psychiatric supervision, medication management services, and customized treatment plans according to each individual client’s needs.

All these treatments are provided at home, where people can feel at ease and in comfort in the place they already feel safe.

Benefits of In-Home Psychiatric Care

Our clients choose in-home psychiatric care for several reasons, but some of the key benefits of in-home psychiatric care include:

Personal Attention from Mental Health Professionals

With in-home care, each client gets exclusively one-on-one attention from our team of psychiatric professionals. Unlike inpatient or outpatient psychiatric programs, your provider does not have to juggle dozens of patients simultaneously – they can put their entire focus on helping you with your challenges.

This also leads to a much greater level of personal understanding and empathy. Without outside distractions, our team can take the time to get to know you, your family, your needs, and your concerns in granular detail. In-home psychiatric care provides the greatest depth of treatment available and makes it an obvious choice for those looking for the best in their treatment options.

Accurate Evaluation and Diagnosis

A comprehensive psychiatric evaluation is a key part of the psychiatric care program. By using evidence-based assessments and diagnostic tools, we can ensure that you are getting the right treatment for your challenges, and not wasting time on interventions that do not work.

The Highest Level of Convenience

Most people do not want to leave home to receive effective mental health care. But with in-home care, your team of providers comes to you directly – bringing all the tools, equipment, and expertise necessary to your front door. Our model of in-home care harkens back to when doctors made house calls – but with new advances in technology, even complex medical testing and interventions can be done from home.

This high level of convenience can save you and your family countless trips to outpatient clinics, provider offices, and hospital waiting rooms – and make managing mental illness something easily accomplished from the comfort of home.

Post-Hospitalization Care

Following psychiatric hospitalization, it is essential to keep up with the treatment and interventions that have helped you achieve recovery in the first place. With in-home psychiatric care, our providers can offer medication management services, track your progress in recovery, and ensure that you maintain your recovery into the future.

In-home psychiatric care after hospitalization is a simple and effective strategy to make sure that you do not have to go back to the hospital again.

Why Choose Kinkaid

Kinkaid Private Care is the premiere choice for people looking for the best evidence-based care from the comfort of homes. Our team has spent decades working in a variety of mental health and medical fields and has the expertise and compassion to help you or your loved ones achieve and sustain recovery.

But our services extend far beyond psychiatric care and evaluation alone. In addition to psychiatric care, we offer a suite of concierge medical and mental health services, including:

All these services are offered individually, letting you choose the services you think would be best suited for you or your loved one’s recovery.

Start In-Home Psychiatric Care with Kinkaid Private Care

When you’re ready to begin, reach out to our nursing staff by calling (866) 337-4596 or filling out our confidential online contact form for a no-obligation consultation. Our team understands how challenging living with severe psychiatric illness can be – but we have also seen the tremendous positive impact that effective mental health care can bring.

Whether you are seeking help with mental illness for yourself or finding treatment for a loved one – recovery is within reach with Kinkaid Private Care.

Parkinson's Care at Home

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

Parkinson’s disease is a serious neurodegenerative disorder that can cause severe disruption in your everyday life. Particularly during late-stage Parkinson’s, many people will begin to struggle with their activities of daily living – including bathing, cooking, and even having meaningful social interactions. With Parkinson’s care at home with Kinkaid Private Care, our select clientele can receive both supportive caregiving to improve quality of life as well as in-home medical treatment to minimize symptoms and potentially slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is caused by degeneration of nerve cells within a specific area of the brain known as the substantia nigra. These cells are responsible for the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which plays several roles in everyday functioning – including movement and motivation. While the exact cause is unknown, people with Parkinson’s lose these dopamine producing cells at an accelerated rate. Research suggests that the symptoms of Parkinson’s begin to appear when the number of these cells drops to 50%  of age-matched controls – and people with Parkinson’s will continue to lose these cells indefinitely.

While the significant majority of people with Parkinson’s are over the age of 55, the disease can affect people as early as their 30s. There is no known cure for Parkinson’s disease, but there are several treatments and therapies that can improve symptoms, slow the progression of the disease, and significantly improve quality of life.

Over half a million people in the United States have a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, though scientists believe the actual number may be as much as one million. And while the effects of Parkinson’s are most severe for the person with the disease, countless family members, spouses, children, and loved ones are affected by the disease as well.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

The most visible symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are physical, and this is typically how the disease is first identified. The physical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include:

  • Tremors in the hands, legs, arms, or jaw
  • A forward leaning posture
  • Difficulty walking or balancing
  • Stiff or rigid muscles
  • Progressive loss of automatic movements, such as blinking or swallowing
  • Slowed reaction time

These physical symptoms can severely impact a person’s ability to carry on with their daily routines. While the impact may be minimal during the early stages of Parkinson’s, in time people will lose their ability to drive safely, to cook for themselves, or to practice personal hygiene. Parkinson’s disease can also increase the likelihood of falls, which can lead to severe medical complications in older patients.

In addition to the physical effects of Parkinson’s, many patients will experience debilitating mental health symptoms as well. Common mental health challenges for people with Parkinson’s include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations
  • Memory problems
  • Dementia

The cause of mental health challenges in people with Parkinson’s is twofold. On the one hand, the loss of dopamine producing neurons can play a direct role in the development of any of these symptoms. On the other, many people who are diagnosed with Parkinson’s will begin to feel symptoms of anxiety or depression due to the dramatic change in life circumstances.

However these symptoms develop, they can often be just as difficult to manage as the physical symptoms of Parkinson’s. Thankfully, effective treatment methods can reduce both physical and psychological symptoms – and with Kinkaid Private Care, you can receive these treatments from the comfort of your home.

How Home Parkinson’s Care Can Help

Kinkaid Private Care offers concierge in-home medical services to people and families who need support in dealing with the consequences of this serious illness. At Kinkaid, our team offers a whole-person approach to helping people with Parkinson’s maintain and even improve their quality of life, by combining direct medical care with the added support of in-home caregivers.

Kinkaid’s model for home healthcare lets people choose the services they need the most and brings physicians, nurses, and expert caregivers to you.

Types of In-Home Care for Parkinson’s

For many people living with Parkinson’s, making regular trips to the hospital to receive care can be difficult, time consuming, and stressful. This can lead to delaying appointments, skipping routine checkups, or simply not receiving the highest quality of care due to hospital constraints.

In-home Parkinson’s care can alleviate these issues by having a team of medical professionals meet you where you’re already most comfortable: your home. Kinkaid Private Care offers several different kinds of home medical care, depending on what you and your family need the most:

  1. At-Home Doctor Visits: By having a physician come to your home, you can receive accurate diagnoses, new prescriptions as needed, and even many complex medical procedures such as EKGs, blood draws, or X-rays. Home doctor visits can also restore the personal connection that many people feel is lost in hospital settings, where physicians are juggling several patients and running a tight schedule.
  2. In-Home Nursing Care: Kinkaid Private Care’s team of registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses, and nurse practitioners can address a wide range of health needs for people with Parkinson’s disease. This can include routine injections, wound care, medication management, and much more.
  3. In-Home Caregivers: For people who are beginning to have difficulty keeping up with their everyday tasks and routines due to Parkinson’s, an in-home caregiver can make a dramatic difference in day-to-day quality of life. In-home caregivers can help with routine tasks such as cooking, personal hygiene, medication reminders, and even transportation. Further, an in-home caregiver can serve as a much-needed source of social support and companionship, which can make a significant difference in everyday life.

The Kinkaid Private Care Difference

Kinkaid Private Care was founded on the belief that there is a significant gap in medicine between hospital and home. By providing the highest quality of medical and mental health services to a select few clients, our team can bridge that gap and create better long-term outcomes for our patients.

To learn more about our different treatment options for people living with Parkinson’s disease, call our medical team at (866) 337-4596 or fill out our confidential online contact form for a no-obligation consultation.

in home hospice care

In-home hospice care is an increasingly popular home health service option that is available for anyone experiencing end-of-life issues, not just senior citizens. It allows people who have reached the end of their lives to remain at home while receiving the highest quality of life possible.

If you’re looking for the best in-home hospice care, Kinkaid Private Care delivers the highest-quality premium home hospice care in California.

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care refers to an array of specialized health services people may choose to receive during their last few weeks or months of life. Specifically, hospice care is appropriate for those with 6 months of life or less remaining. Also known as end-of-life care, hospice care can be delivered in specialized facilities; however, more and more people are opting to receive hospice care in the privacy and comfort of their own home.

Hospice care is not curative; it is not aimed at stopping, slowing, or treating any disease or medical condition. Instead, hospice focuses on providing people with a high quality of life by controlling the symptoms of a disease or disorder. Pain management is also a major cornerstone of hospice care.

What Services Does Kinkaid’s In-Home Hospice Care Offer?

Everyone seeking hospice care has unique needs, and Kinkaid delivers uniquely customized care based on the client’s needs and desires. Kinkaid Private Care employs highly trained and experienced nursing specialists who work with you to build an individualized care plan, including these hospice treatment services:

  • Pain Management: Pain management is a top priority in hospice care. Kinkaid’s team of nursing care professionals are trained and highly experienced in managing the pain that comes from terminal illnesses.
  • In-Home Convenience and Comfort: All of your individualized in-home hospice care comes to you in the security and comfort of your home. Kinkaid’s nursing specialists are experts at delivering the highest quality hospice care in the unique environment found in a private home.
  • Improved Quality of Life: The overriding goal of Kinkaid in-home hospice care is to improve a person’s quality of life. Our focus is always on helping you or your loved one get the most out of the care process.
  • Well-Being and Support: Ultimately, the goal of our hospice care is to enhance your or your loved one’s well-being as much as possible and to support you in any way we can.

We break down our support services into the following four categories:

  • Supporting Physical Health: Our in-home hospice nurses help you create individualized exercise, nutrition, and other health plans to ensure your body is able to fight off symptoms as much as possible. Reducing symptoms helps you or your loved one feel better and maximizes the benefits of your hospice care.
  • Enhancing Social Attachments: We make sure you are able to maintain your social life whenever possible. Our nurses are trained to ensure our patients receive the right amount of social attachment and are able to see their friends and family whenever possible. They can help coordinate visits as well.
  • Providing Emotional Support: Our nurses are there for you or your loved one to provide emotional support and a sense of positivity whenever necessary. They are trained to alleviate the emotional challenges that can come with hospice care.
  • Attending to Spiritual Needs: Our team is trained to attend to any spiritual needs you or your loved one may have. Our nurses are also able to coordinate visits from spiritual or religious advisers if requested.
  • Medication Management: Kinkaid’s nurses are experts at efficient and effective medication management. That includes administering, documenting, and coordinating all prescribed medications to aid in the reduction of pain and discomfort. Kinkaid Private Care’s nursing professionals are palliative care specialists and are always in contact with your or your loved one’s physicians about prescriptions.
  • Excellent Communication with Patients and Families: Good communication is key for anything, especially for handling something as complicated as hospice care. We prioritize communication with our patients and their families to ensure everyone is on the same page and that our patients receive everything they need in a timely and effective manner.

Who Qualifies for Hospice Care?

People chose hospice care when further treatment for a disease offers no chance of improvement. Just a few of the more serious diseases this involves includes:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Late-stage cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Dementia
  • Kidney failure

Who Provides Our Care?

Kinkaid’s team of in-home nurses have decades of palliative care experience and provide our in-home hospice care. Our nurses provide kind, compassionate, and high-quality in-home care according to the highest ethical and medical principles and practices while making sure communication with family members always flows both ways.

Where Is Our At-Home Care Available

Kinkaid in-home hospice care is provided throughout the Los Angeles area. We cover Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Brentwood, Westwood, Pacific Palisades, Santa Monica, Malibu, Holmby Hills, Cheviot Hills, Culver City, Beverly Glen, Beverlywood, and surrounding cities in California.

Why Choose Kinkaid?

Kinkaid Private Nursing Care offers premium in-home services to patients looking for the best and most intensive care on the market. We only take on a few clients at a time, so we always provide specialized care to meet the needs of each client. Additionally, not only do we specialize in premium care, but we also practice proper management techniques to ensure your care is organized, efficient, and best for you.

Overall, we create a concierge medical experience for each of our clients. Our approach starts with building relationships with each of our clients and their families; we get to know you in the comfort and privacy of your home to understand your exact needs. We then create a personal care team for you consisting of at least a clinical nurse specialist, clinical case manager, and care coordinator. Our compassionate teams are clinician-led and available to you 24/7 to provide unparalleled service and attention to detail.

For more information, please call us at 866-753-9225 or fill out our contact form below.