How Long Does Opioid Detox Take at Home

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

Opioid withdrawal is one of the most uncomfortable stages of breaking free from an opioid use disorder. Left untreated, many people find themselves unable to make it through this period on their own – but with in-home opioid detox at Kinkaid Private Care, you can find tangible relief from your symptoms from the comfort of your home. But how long does opioid detox take? We’re here to answer your questions and help you get the treatment you need to overcome opioids.

Opioid Withdrawal

Opioid withdrawal is one of the hallmark signs of an opioid use disorder. When people use medications such as opioids (e.g., fentanyl, heroin, morphine, or codeine) for extended periods, their brains and bodies become reliant on the drug to feel normal. When you suddenly stop or cut down your dosage, your body can react viscerally – leading to both physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.

The symptoms of opioid withdrawal aren’t typically life-threatening, but they can be incredibly uncomfortable and lead people to return to active opioid use. Among others, some of the most common symptoms of opioid withdrawal include:

  • Hot and cold flashes
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Goosebumps
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Stomach pains and cramps
  • Intense opioid cravings

Opioid withdrawal is often compared to a severe flu. However, since the symptoms of withdrawal are easily removed if a person gives in to their cravings, many people will return to active opioid use rather than break through the withdrawal phase and achieve recovery. And with neural evidence showing that opioid use disorder changes the structure of your brain, making it more difficult for people to stop using opioids, this is far from a matter of choice.

Thankfully, medical opioid detox at home can substantially reduce these symptoms and make the path to recovery easier. Opioid withdrawal medications target the same receptors in the brain and body as opioids do but to a much lesser degree. In some cases, they can remove the experience of withdrawal entirely.

How Long Does Opioid Detox Take?

Opioid detox typically lasts between ten and twenty-one days, but several factors can influence the length of treatment that you’ll need. No two people share the same path to recovery, and our in-home opioid detox is designed to be flexible enough to account for a wide range of circumstances.

A typical opioid detox treatment plan may be scheduled for two weeks, for instance, but could be extended if you continue to experience uncomfortable and disruptive withdrawal symptoms. At Kinkaid Private Care, our team carefully tracks your progress through the withdrawal period, looking for any emerging symptoms or complications that require further intervention.

The goal for the end of opioid detox is to be free from acute withdrawal symptoms. While some lingering symptoms may remain – often known as post-acute withdrawal – the overwhelming physical symptoms should be entirely removed through the clinical practice of withdrawal management. Withdrawal management uses a combination of medications and treatments to alleviate your symptoms and help you recover in relative comfort.

Factors that Affect Length of Opioid Detox

Dozens of factors can contribute to the length of your opioid detox. As part of the detox process, our medical team will assess several variables that influence the length of treatment, including:

  • Type of opioids used
  • Frequency of opioid use
  • Length of opioid use
  • Typical opioid dose
  • Non-opioid substance or medication use
  • Medical and mental health history
  • Time since last opioid use
  • Age
  • Overall fitness

As you might expect, longer times using opioids at higher doses and frequencies typically require longer treatment periods for a successful detox. Similarly, longer-acting opioids such as methadone have longer withdrawal periods. These factors are merged into a customized treatment plan for in-home opioid detox, ensuring that you have everything you need to reach sobriety in safety and comfort.

Timeline of Untreated Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

The timeline for opioid withdrawal can provide insight into why opioid detox takes as long as it does. Without appropriate intervention, opioid withdrawal typically follows a trajectory:

Day 1

Opioid withdrawals can begin as early as eight hours after your last dose, though some people may not experience the effects of withdrawal until 24 hours have passed. Symptoms on the first day are generally mild, and may include:

  • Feeling irritable
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Cravings
  • Depression

Because of how opioids are processed in the body, opioids are still in your system at this point, even if you don’t feel their effects. As the drugs continue to clear, withdrawal symptoms get progressively worse.

Day 2

The second day of opioid withdrawal typically involves progressively worsening symptoms, often beginning to affect you physically as well as mentally. By day two, people can experience symptoms such as:

  • Runny nose
  • Upset stomach
  • Severe anxiety
  • Hot and cold flashes

These symptoms are experienced on day one and have often become more frequent and intense at this stage.

Day 3-4

Days three and four are when withdrawal symptoms peak. At this stage, most opioids have been cleared from your body, and the effects of your physical dependence on opioids are experienced in full force. This is when the most severe withdrawal symptoms begin to arise, including:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Profuse sweating
  • Restlessness

During this phase, symptoms arise frequently, often in waves. The overwhelming nature of symptoms makes it incredibly difficult for people to break free from their addiction without professional intervention.

Days 5+

By the fifth day, the symptoms listed above begin to diminish. Think of opioid withdrawals happening on a curve, where they slowly taper off after their peak. However, symptoms can continue for up to ten or fourteen days.

Once individuals no longer feel the physical symptoms of opioid withdrawal, the acute withdrawal phase is considered finished. Yet, the mental health symptoms related to overcoming opioid addiction may last for months. Many people find ongoing treatment from mental health specialists helpful during this time.

At-Home Detox Treatment Timeline

With in-home opioid detox, you can save yourself from having to experience the worst of opioid withdrawal symptoms. While medical detox cannot eliminate all symptoms, it can make the process rapidly more comfortable and vastly increase your likelihood of achieving sobriety.

Our team uses targeted medications to treat opioid withdrawal. These medications target the same receptors in the brain as opioids do but to a much lesser degree. The result is a significant reduction in withdrawal symptoms without the euphoric or addictive properties of opioids.

Because these medications target opioid receptors, accurate timing of the dose is critical. Typically, people need to have not used opioids for at least 24 hours before taking withdrawal medication, just before the second day of opioid withdrawal.

While this does mean that you may experience mild withdrawal symptoms during the 24 hours of detox, the payoff is not having the severe symptoms of withdrawal. During the next several days of detox, medications are administered regularly by our treatment team, preventing any new symptoms from appearing and keeping you as comfortable as possible.

Throughout detox, these medications are slowly weaned. By the time you have completed your in-home detox, you will have overcome opioid withdrawal and no longer be taking any withdrawal medications.

Start In-Home Opioid Detox at Kinkaid Private Care

Breaking free from an opioid use disorder is never easy. With the help of in-home opioid detox and Kinkaid Private Care’s expert providers, overcome your opioid dependence once and for all – and all from the comfort of your home. Call one of our nurses today at 866-337-4596 or fill out our confidential online contact form to start your initial assessment and take steps toward a lasting and worthwhile recovery.

Best Way to Detox from Alcohol at Home

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

You may have experienced many twists and turns before finally being ready to get some help for a drinking problem. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) takes time to develop and worsen, eventually taking a heavy toll on your life. But as much as you might have resisted the idea of sobriety, you are now ready to tackle the AUD.

So, what is the best way to detox alcohol from your system? Alcohol detox is tricky and must be undertaken with great care. There are unknown risks that can crop up during the detox process, some of which can even be life threatening. For this reason, having a medical professional oversee the detox is the best course of action.

Why Detox Alcohol at Home?

When it’s time to seek help for AUD, many decide to undergo the detox process within the privacy of their own home. There are many benefits to going through a supervised alcohol detox at home. These include:

  1. Enhanced privacy. No one will see you entering a detox center, which eliminates the fear of stigma.
  2. Less stressful than going through detox at a facility. Going through detox at a facility is not as relaxed as it is at home.
  3. Increased comfort being at home in familiar surroundings. Having access to your own bed, your own kitchen, and even the family dog creates a more comfortable detox experience.
  4. Access to your loved ones and their support while going through detox. Instead of strangers at a detox center, you will be able to interact with your loved ones at home.
  5. Holistic therapies. Access to holistic methods, like IV vitamin therapy, massage, and acupuncture, can help ease discomfort.

What to Expect During Alcohol Detox

Chronic heavy drinking eventually impacts the brain and several organs, including the heart. Alcohol abuse has a profound effect on brain chemistry and neural pathways. Over time, these pathways are altered.

When you decide to stop drinking the body struggles to adjust to the absence of alcohol. The severity of this reaction, or the withdrawal symptoms, depends on the duration of the alcoholism. Symptoms can range from mild to severe.

It is never wise to stop drinking on your own without medical oversight. Alcohol detox involves having vital signs closely monitored to be on the lookout for any acute symptoms. To reduce the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms, meds are provided as needed.

Detox symptoms may include:

  • Sweating
  • Agitation
  • Confusion
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Irritability
  • Tremors
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Shakiness
  • Disorientation
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures

What Are the Risks of Alcohol Detox?

Alcohol withdrawal can be a challenge because detox does not always follow a predictable path. In fact, you can be nearing the end of the detox process when, on day four or five, extreme symptoms set in. This is a condition called the delirium tremens, or the DTs. Symptoms of the DTs include:

  • Fever
  • Hallucinations
  • Extreme mental confusion.
  • Agitation
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Insomnia

The DTs impact a small number of people going through alcohol detox. However, because symptoms can be very severe, up to 15% of those who get the DTs will not survive. For this reason, alcohol detox should always be done under the supervision of a trained medical detox team.

What is the Alcohol Detox Timeline?

The alcohol detox process varies from one person to the next. Some may sail through detox in three days while others take ten days. There are several factors that affect the detox timeline. These include how long you had the drinking problem, how much you drank, your health, and other substance addictions.

Alcohol detox goes through three distinct phases:

Stage one. The initial phase of detox begins about eight hours after the last drink. This stage features anxiety, nausea, stomach pain, mild hand tremors, loss of appetite, vomiting, foggy thinking, sweating, and headaches.

Stage two. The second phase starts 24-72 hours after the last drink and involves fever, increased blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, and confusion. You may experience a sudden unexpected onset of severe symptoms during this phase.

Stage three. The final phase of detox features less severe symptoms, as the brain adjusts to the lack of alcohol. You might still have fever, disorientation, agitation, and hallucinations, although these are not common. Some symptoms, like sleep problems and depression, may linger for weeks.

The Best Way to Detox Alcohol at Home

The best way to detox alcohol involves doing so in a setting where you are under the care of a physician. This pertains whether you detox at home with the help of a private detox nurse, or in a rehab setting. These experts are trained to guide you through the three stages of detox with the least amount of discomfort. Their goal is to help you safely complete the detox and then segue into treatment.

Next Steps After Detox

For the best chance of recovery success, you should enter a rehab program right after you’ve completed detox. Your detox nurse and doctor can guide you as to which level of care is best for your AUD.

Outpatient rehab is suited for early AUD and is flexible and a less pricey treatment option. If your AUD is moderate to severe, though, a residential rehab program is the better choice. You will receive a much more intensive treatment regimen while having access to 24-hour support.

Treatment elements include:

  • Private therapy sessions.
  • Group therapy sessions.
  • Education and life skills training.
  • Relapse prevention planning.
  • Family therapy
  • Holistic methods.
  • 12-step program.

The best way to detox alcohol is the one that works best for you, however, it should include medical oversight.

Kinkaid Private Care is a full-service concierge private nursing and healthcare management service provider that specializes in at-home medical detox. Kinkaid Private Care detox nurses help ease withdrawal symptoms and offer emotional support as well. If you are interested in the best way to detox from alcohol, please call us today at (866) 527-5892.

difference between dependence and addiction

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

Drug or alcohol addiction and dependence often get conflated in everyday conversation, articles you read online, and even in academic papers studying substance use disorders. But the difference between dependence and addiction is significant, and understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision in your treatment options.

Is Dependence a Form of Addiction?

To understand the difference between addiction vs dependence, we first need to consider the origins of these terms in psychological literature, how they differ, and where the field stands now.

The key resource for diagnosing mental health disorders is known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders – or the DSM. The DSM is revised frequently, with the current edition known as the DSM-V-TR, or the fifth edition with text revisions. Drug and alcohol addiction, as well as drug dependence, all fall under the umbrella term “substance use disorders” in the fifth edition of this volume, but this hasn’t always been the case.

In the fourth edition of the DSM, substance use disorders were broken into two main categories: substance dependence, or substance abuse. Dependence was categorized as a pattern of substance use that had a few key criteria:

  • Tolerance for your drug of choice
  • Withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop
  • Unsuccessful attempts to cut down substance use
  • Spending a great deal of time using substances
  • Giving up hobbies or activities in favor of substance use
  • Continued substance use despite worsening physical or mental health problems

In contrast, substance abuse had fewer criteria, including:

  • Legal problems as a result of substance use
  • Continued substance use despite harmful consequences
  • Substance use leads to an inability to fulfill your obligations at work, home, or school
  • Using substances when it is dangerous to do so, such as while driving

In these circumstances, substance dependence was often considered much more severe than substance abuse. Yet the emphasis on the two diagnoses was different: substance dependence focused on the physical effects that addictive substances can have, while substance abuse focused on the problematic behaviors that can result from addiction.

dependence vs addictionHow Dependence is Different than Addiction

As we can see from above, dependence refers to a physical reliance upon drugs or alcohol, which doesn’t necessarily result in problematic behavior. A practical example of drug dependence maybe somebody who was prescribed opioid painkillers by their physician: they may struggle with physical withdrawal symptoms and tolerance, but not experience many of the social consequences that illicit drug users face.

Addiction, on the other hand, is less well-defined. Some people categorize addiction as an umbrella term that includes drug or alcohol dependence, while others believe addiction is more accurately defined as continued substance use despite mounting consequences.

Regardless of how you define addiction: dependence vs addiction are not the same.

What is Dependence?

Dependence comes from physiological changes that occur when you take drugs for an extended period of time. Take the example of alcohol – a powerful central nervous system depressant that amplifies the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA within the brain. GABA is the brain’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, causing people to relax, release their inhibitions, and find relief from anxiety.

Yet when people drink alcohol every day, their brains compensate for the depressant effect that alcohol produces. Your brain’s resting state becomes more stimulated at baseline so that even when drinking large amounts of alcohol you can continue to function. Yet when the alcohol is taken away, the central nervous system becomes dangerously overactive, leading to severe physical withdrawal effects such as seizures, delirium, and shakes.

Put another way, your brain becomes dependent on alcohol to remain at equilibrium. Yet many people may not feel as though they are addicted: they don’t experience the wholesale personality change that comes with addiction, or experience significant consequences that lead them to believe that their drinking has become a problem.

4 Forms of Addiction

Addiction, on the other hand, is often categorized by significant disruptions in your daily life as a result of your addictive behaviors. Addiction can come in many forms, including:

  1. Substance addiction – such as becoming addicted to heroin, alcohol, cocaine, or benzodiazepines
  2. Gambling addiction – where people cannot cut down or control their gambling
  3. Sexual addiction – in the form of dangerous sexual activity, pornography addictions, or masturbation addictions
  4. Internet addictions – such as becoming addicted to social media, constant news consumption, or online video games

The key to understanding addiction is that people will continue the behavior even though it is causing damage throughout their entire life. Continued use despite consequences is the hallmark of addiction and can come from either addictive substances or addictive behaviors.

Is Treatment the Same for Dependence and Addiction?

The difference between addiction and dependence treatment comes down to your priorities in treatment. Treating substance dependence can be as simple as a medical detox, helping people overcome the physical aspects of their substance use problems and achieve abstinence in a safe and controlled manner.

In contrast, treating addiction often requires more intensive psychotherapy treatments to treat the behavioral issues that are so common among people living with addiction. Specific psychotherapies may be employed to help people resist future relapse, learn healthy ways of coping with their problems, and strive towards building fulfilling lives in recovery.

Unfortunately, not all treatment centers make delineations in treatment for addiction vs dependence. Truly customized care options are typically only provided by treatment providers who meet with their clients one-on-one, work on their goals for treatment together, and build a plan for recovery that suits your exact needs. At Kinkaid Private Care, we only take on a few clients at a time – and deliver all of our treatment options from the comfort of your own home, with exclusively one-on-one service between our patients and providers.

Start Treatment at Kinkaid Private Care

Kinkaid Private Care offers premium home health solutions for helping people break free from their substance use challenges. Our in-home detox service providers know the difference between dependence and addiction and can cater your treatment plan to your specific needs. Call our team at (866) 337-4596 or fill out our confidential online contact form to get started with a free, no-obligation consultation today.

stopping klonopin

Los Angeles | Orange County | San Diego | San Francisco

Stopping Klonopin suddenly, without appropriate medical intervention, can lead to a life-threatening emergency. The withdrawal effects from Klonopin can lead to serious physical symptoms that are incredibly dangerous, particularly if you are taking a high dose of Klonopin. Kinkaid Private Care offers in-home benzodiazepine detox that can alleviate these physical symptoms and help you to achieve sobriety safely.

Klonopin Addiction

Klonopin, also known by the generic form clonazepam, is a benzodiazepine drug that has a high risk for misuse. Typically prescribed for the treatment of anxiety or as an anticonvulsant, Klonopin can also lower people’s inhibitions, produce a feeling of euphoria, and lead to drug dependence.

Like other addictive drugs, using Klonopin recreationally, or in excess of your prescription, can quickly lead to the development of a substance use disorder. People who develop an addiction to Klonopin can experience symptoms such as:

  • Invasive drug cravings
  • Lack of interest in activities outside of Klonopin use
  • Worsening physical and mental health symptoms as a result of Klonopin use
  • Multiple failed attempts at cutting down or stopping Klonopin use
  • Uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when stopping Klonopin suddenly
  • Using more Klonopin than intended, or for longer than intended

Benzodiazepines like Klonopin resulted in over 212,000 emergency department visits between 2016 and 2017, and were involved in nearly 17% of overdose deaths between 2019 and 2020. These drugs, even if prescribed by your physician, can be incredibly dangerous. But you must take care when deciding to stop your Klonopin use, to avoid any complications of withdrawal.

Most people who develop a Klonopin addiction will be unable to stop on their own. Targeted intervention from a benzodiazepine detox can help people break through this initial first stage and start them on the path to recovery.

How Do I Get Rid of Clonazepam?

If you’re committed to stopping Klonopin, the first step should always be to reach out to a benzodiazepine detox. The side effects of stopping Klonopin “cold-turkey” can be deadly, and it’s vitally important that you seek professional help before getting rid of your medication.

If you’ve found a treatment team that can help you to detox safely, the United States Environmental Protection Agency recommends disposing of your medications by taking them out of the original container, placing them into a disposable container, and mixing them with coffee grounds or cat litter. Don’t dispose of your Klonopin by flushing them down the toilet, where it can contaminate local water supplies, or throw them in the trash where children or pets may be able to reach them.

How Long Does It Take to Get Klonopin Out of Your System?

Klonopin can stay in your system for up to a month. Klonopin has a half-life of 22-32 hours, much longer than most other benzodiazepines. The half-life of a drug refers to the amount of time that it takes your body to eliminate 50% of the substance, and some studies have shown that Klonopin was still detectable in urine up to 28 days after administration.

This long half-life of Klonopin can also make the withdrawal process take an extended period. Klonopin’s withdrawal timeline is over twice as long as other benzodiazepines, such as Xanax or Valium, and many people will need extended treatment in order to detox successfully.

The Dangers of Stopping Klonopin Suddenly

Klonopin, like all other benzodiazepines, is a central nervous system depressant. Specifically, it acts on GABA receptors within the brain. GABA is the brain’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning that it is responsible for helping people to calm down and relax.

This produces several effects that make Klonopin widely abused, including:

  • Relaxation
  • Drowsiness
  • Anxiety relief
  • Lowered inhibitions

It can also produce side effects such as slowed breathing, light headedness, and memory loss.

When people use Klonopin for extended periods, their brain’s become dependent on the drug. The natural resting state of the brain becomes more stimulated, balancing out the effects that Klonopin has on GABA receptors.

When a person attempts stopping Klonopin suddenly, that balance is broken, and their central nervous system becomes hyperactive. This can lead to the hallmark side effects of stopping Klonopin, typically referred to as Klonopin withdrawal.

Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

People who have been taking Klonopin regularly experience several withdrawal symptoms when they suddenly stop. These symptoms can range from being mildly uncomfortable to life-threatening emergencies, depending on how much Klonopin you typically take, how long you’ve taken Klonopin, and if you have any pre-existing medical health conditions.

Klonopin withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Racing heart rate
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Muscle aches and cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Shakes
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

If left untreated, the seizures from Klonopin withdrawal can be deadly.

Klonopin withdrawals typically begin one to three days after your last dose. You may first begin to notice symptoms between the second and third days, and symptoms typically begin to peak at the two week mark. Most withdrawal symptoms will begin to subside after about a month.

Getting the Help You Need

If you’re living with the effects of a Klonopin addiction, detox is considered a medical necessity. It is not safe for you to stop Klonopin on your own, and it should never be attempted without medical intervention.

Getting treatment is the only way to ensure that you can safely stop Klonopin use. Targeted medical interventions can prevent withdrawal symptoms such as seizures, as well as alleviating the side effects of stopping Klonopin suddenly.

Kinkaid Private Care offers in-home Klonopin detox services to help people break through this difficult stage from the comfort of home. Our in-home detox model brings a team of medical and mental health professionals to where our clients are already most comfortable, and delivers targeted treatment options to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal.

In-home detox services with Kinkaid offer the highest level of addiction care, individualized treatment plans, and a concierge medical experience like no other treatment center can provide. Our team has decades of experience in substance use treatment, and can bring everything you need to recover to your own home.

If you or a loved one is struggling with Klonopin addiction, reach out to our team by calling (866) 337-4596 or filling out our online contact form for a free, no-obligation consultation.  You can recover – and the team at Kinkaid Private Care can help.

do i have an addiction quiz

It is a hard question to ask yourself, ‘Do I have an addiction?’

In fact, many people do but may not even be aware of it. Addiction includes a wide range of substances from drugs and alcohol and in some cases can include gambling and sex. Some individuals also battle addictions to shopping and food.

If you think you might have an addiction, take the quiz attached below to find out. But first, let’s read on to find out more about some of the common signs of addiction.

5 Common Signs of Addiction

Do you ever feel like you can’t control your behavior or use of a substance? Do you feel powerless to continue using a substance, although it’s causing problems in your life?

Here are some other signs that you might be addicted:

  1. You feel like you need to use the substance just to get through the day.
  2. The substance becomes the main priority in life, while other obligations like family, work and school become secondary or sidelined.
  3. You have withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop using.
  4. When confronted, you deny or downplay the substance misuse.
  5. You continue using despite the fact it causes mental and physical distress to you and your loved ones.

If you can relate to any or most of these signs—then you might have an addiction. Thinking about the next steps can be intimidating, but Kinkaid is only a call away to guide you through the next phase of your life, recovery. 

Do I Have an Addiction? Try This Quiz

One of the most important steps in getting help is first admitting that you have a problem, and that’s what this quiz is all about. Therefore, if you suspect that you might have an addiction, you can try using GoodRx Health’s quiz as a learning tool to work towards the first important step in recovery. 

goodrx addiction quiz image

How to Know if You Have an Addiction

An addiction quiz is only a small step in the right direction, but please remember that it is mainly a tool and not a substitution for professional medical counsel.

It’s important to get professional help as soon as possible if you suspect you have an addiction—as it is a serious problem that can negatively impact your life in many ways.

Fortunately, there is help available, every step of the way. The clinical team at Kinkaid Private Care can help you determine whether you struggle with addiction and what steps to take next. We can help you plan your recovery and get your life back on track.

The Next Step: At Home Addiction Recovery

If you think you might have an addiction, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Kinkaid Private Care. With our help, you can start the process to overcome your addiction struggles, even from the privacy of your own home.

Kinkaid Private Care provides a comprehensive in-home detox and treatment program throughout California. We offer a variety of programs and services that are designed to meet the needs of each individual patient.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please contact one of our nurse specialists at (866) 337-4596 or fill out our online form. Our compassionate teams are available to you to provide unparalleled service at any time.

drug overdose treatment at home

How to Treat Overdose at Home

Any drug overdose, no matter the specific drug, is always a medical emergency. When an overdose occurs, a swift response is essential as drug overdoses can be life-threatening.

For some people, the idea of going to a facility may not be acceptable. Things such as privacy issues or fear of the stigma that is associated with drug and alcohol abuse. For these individuals, drug overdose treatment at home is an excellent option.

A private detox nurse can be dispatched quickly to intervene in a drug overdose within the comfort and privacy of the home setting. A private nurse works closely with a medical doctor trained in addiction medicine to rapidly dispense life-saving medications and treatments. When needed, the nurse, trained in detox and withdrawal, can guide the individual through the detox process as well.

Drug overdose treatment at home can make the difference between getting the necessary medical attention or not. When considering the possibility of being admitted to a hospital, some prefer to take their chances and endure the overdose rather than jeopardize their reputation. This can result in loss of life. The at-home drug overdose interventions offer total privacy as well as quality medical treatment.

About Drug or Alcohol Overdose

An overdose occurs when someone consumes more of a substance than the body can safely metabolize. The psychological effects that occur from overdose will vary based on the substance involved, as well as other factors.

Drug overdoses have dominated the national news for several years now, usually involving opioid prescription drugs or heroin. More than 70,000 people died from a drug overdose in 2017, according to statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control. However, every year there are overdose deaths associated with a wide range of substances, including:

  • 17,000 deaths involving prescription opioids
  • 15,000 deaths involving heroin
  • 11,000 deaths involving benzos
  • 5,000 deaths involving meth
  • 2,200 deaths involving alcohol poisoning or binge drinking

Many reasons why individuals may overdose on a substance including:

  • being careless about the dosage
  • using drugs after a period of abstinence
  • accidental, or intentional overdose (suicide).

Overdose risk factor increases when the substance is obtained on the street or online, as the contents of the drug may not be known.

Heroin and illicit sources for prescription medications have been found to contain fentanyl, an extremely potent synthetic opioid. Safe practices dictate that excess prescription pills should be disposed of, versus being stored in the family medicine cabinet where they might be abused.

Signs of an Overdose

When an overdose occurs the individual will be in obvious distress. Medical attention on time is essential, whether it is treatment received at home or in a hospital setting, as time is of the essence. Signs of a drug or alcohol overdose might include:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Vomiting
  • Mental confusion
  • Cool, clammy skin
  • Sweating
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular vital signs, either increased or decreased pulse rate, temperature, blood pressure, or heart rate
  • Coma

Do not leave the individual unattended; instead, take the necessary steps to obtain essential treatment. For intentional overdoses, the individual will require psychiatric intervention. In an opioid overdose, a first responder carries a drug called naloxone, which, if given quickly, can revive the person.

Drug Overdose Treatment at Home

Individuals or their loved ones who opt for in-home overdose treatment will be closely monitored as support is provided.

Family members can provide important information to the private nursing team, such as if there is a history of addiction or chemical dependence, what prescription drugs the individual is on, and the person’s doctor’s contact information.

An assessment will determine the extent of potential poisoning. Lab tests will show how the substance affects organs, often alongside a drug screening. Drug overdose treatment may involve:

  • Gastric lavage, or stomach pumping, will remove any unabsorbed substances from the stomach
  • Activated charcoal treatment, which reduces the amount of the substance that could be absorbed in the stomach and digestive tract
  • Sedatives or restraints, the individual is violent or agitated, posing a danger to self or others
  • Antidote medications can help reverse the effects of the overdosed substance.
  • IV fluids, vitamins, or glucose in case of alcohol poisoning
  • Oxygen therapy

These interventions are performed as needed to prevent loss of life and to assist the individual through the healing process that follows.

Getting Help for a Substance Use Disorder

After someone experiences a drug overdose the experience is likely to motivate them to get professional help for overcoming a substance use disorder. For individuals who value their privacy, an in-home detox nursing team can guide him or her through the stages of detox and withdrawal, allowing them to stay in their own living space during this important step.

Following the completion of the detox phase of recovery, case management services will provide referrals to either outpatient or residential treatment. Though skipping this crucial step after completing detox may be tempting, it constitutes a serious mistake.

Addiction behavior patterns are addressed through various therapeutic elements, which help the individual establish new healthy thought and behavior patterns, acquire new coping skills, create a relapse prevention plan, and dial into a recovery community.

In addition, some individuals may benefit from medication-assisted treatment, which is monitored within the construct of a formal addiction program and aftercare services.

At Home Detox and Withdrawal

Once the individual is out of immediate danger the focus will begin to shift toward detox and treatment. The first step in recovery is the detox and withdrawal phase. Which can last one to two weeks depending on the substance of abuse and the acuity of the substance use disorder.

An in-home detox nurse can provide medical and psychological support while assisting the individual through the withdrawal symptoms. Vital signs are monitored and forwarded daily to the physician in charge. Medical interventions help minimize pain and discomfort during the detox process. Medications used might include benzos, mood stabilizers, opioid antagonists, opioid agonists, non-opioid agonists, and over-the-counter medications.

Withdrawal symptoms will vary based on several factors, including:

  • Substance of abuse
  • Length of addiction history
  • Usual levels of consumption
  • General health status
  • Age
  • Presence of a co-occurring mental health disorder

Some common withdrawal symptoms include:

Withdrawal Symptoms from Drinking Alcohol

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Shakiness
  • Headache
  • Feeling irritable
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Delusions
  • Hand tremors
  • Loss of appetite
  • Seizures


  • Muscle pain
  • Nightmares
  • Confusion
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Clammy skin
  • Lethargy
  • Excessive hunger or loss of appetite
  • Shakiness
  • Congestion
  • Watery eyes
  • Slurred speech
  • Paranoia
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Feelings of detachment
  • Stomach cramps
  • Hallucinate
  • Severe anxiety
  • Depression


  • Muscle spasms
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating
  • Irritable
  • Restlessness
  • Headache
  • Tremors
  • Excessive sensitivity to stimuli
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Detachment
  • Panic attacks
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle and joint aches
  • Racing pulse
  • Blurred vision
  • Delirium
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Grand mal seizures

In-home detox can provide the supervision and expertise to manage withdrawal symptoms as they arise. Delirium tremens can emerge during alcohol detox, the individual will be provided with emergency services.

At-Home Addiction Treatment and Recovery

Addiction recovery relies heavily on a multi-modal approach to making fundamental changes in the way one thinks and responds to triggering situations. Treatment is available in either an outpatient or residential setting. Outpatient settings offer greater flexibility, enabling individuals to maintain their work and home life while undergoing treatment for a specified number of hours each week.

Residential treatment involves 24-hour supervision and therapeutic support. Generally, individuals with an opioid use disorder or a moderate to severe alcohol use disorder will benefit from a residential setting.

Treatment elements include:

  • Psycho therapy. Individual therapy sessions help to process and heal underlying issues that may be factors in the addiction behaviors. Moreover, cognitive-behavioral therapy can help individuals adapt their responses to stressors or triggers, establishing essential skills for recovery.
  • Support Groups. Support groups help people by providing peer support and encouraging active participation in their treatment. Group sessions involve a small number of participants led by a clinician who will encourage sharing and supportive behaviors.
  • Medication. Certain individuals find relief through medications for a co-occurring mental health disorder. By managing the symptoms of the disorder through medications such as mood enhancers, addiction treatment is more effective.
  • Holistic complementary activities. Given that stress is a major contributor to relapse, modern addiction treatment integrates relaxation techniques. Learning how to manage stress and induce relaxation is an important coping skill.
  • Recovery Participation. Participation in local recovery meetings such as A.A. can encourage social support and accountability.

While a drug overdose is a serious incident, it is also an opportunity to address the dangers of addiction and commit to a new life in recovery.

Kinkaid Private Care Drug Overdose Treatment at Home

Kinkaid Private Care provides expert at-home private nursing support for individuals who have suffered a drug or alcohol overdose. Our private nurses are trained in addiction recovery and work under the supervision of a physician who monitors the treatment from beginning to end. If you are ready to begin the recovery process and want to complete detox and withdrawal in the privacy of your home, contact us today

For more information, please visit our homepage and learn about the array of services we provide. These services include at-home IV Vitamin Therapy, in-home nursing care, and the coordination of a variety of at-home medical services in the Los Angeles area, as well as home detox services all over the state of California.